

One of the regular customers asked me If I had some action for Adobe Illustrator to get “Stranger Things” title style easily. Actually, I didn’t. But as a huge fan not only this great Netflix drama, but as a person that have fallen in love with lighting street typography, I got challenged.

I didn’t want make only that specific style of 80s sci-fi typography styles, but I planned to create overall system of styles to help you make these lighting typography styles easily.

From vintage theathre signs to 80s sci-fi typography without limits

I made wide range of graphic styles – from Las Vegas inspired to scoreboard signs. With one click, you can get reto 50s era Motel sign as well as crazy luminous 80s disco banner.

I added quick manual how to change colors through “Recolor Artwork” tool. So, you are not limited by default color pallete.

  • 36 graphic styles for Adobe Illustrator

  • all styles are customizable

  • quick way how to recolor it

  • instant effect!

“Easiest way to get neon effects in Adobe Illustrator!”


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